Plant Health Care

Along with your turf, your trees and shrubs are an important part of any property. Not only do they produce natural shade, clean air and even privacy, but also they add exceptional beauty. Our specialists can aid in the prevention of disease and insect infestation that cause damage to your trees or shrubs. It is important to monitor and control any issues to prevent any loss to your investment. We take every step possible to save and deter issues that may negatively affect your property. Every Tree is affect differently by disease, and most properties carry a variety of Trees. This Specialty Health Care Program allows us to treat each Tree individually for a specific disease that may be affecting it.
IPHCS Recommends Emerald Ash Borer Treatment in NJ
We Recommend a monthly Customized Inspection Program:
Granular Fertilization
Possible Disease Control
Possible Insect Control
Horticultural Oil Applications
Antidessicant for broad leaf evergreen shrubs
Deer Repellent
With constant attention to the environment, we are now offering Mauet Micro injections to treat tall trees. Our staff takes every precaution to ensure the health of your trees, throughout the years. It is these steps that increase the value and protect your investment.
To Preview our Annual Plant Health Care Program Please Click Below: